Deployment with CLI (orchent)

This is a step by step guide on how to make a deployment using the command line interface (instead of the Training Dashboard).


Prepare your TOSCA file (optional)

The orchent tool needs TOSCA YAML file to configure and establish the deployment. One can generate an application specific TOSCA template or use a general one, deep-oc-marathon-webdav.yml, while providing necessary inputs in the bash script (see next subsecion).

If you create your own TOSCA YAML file, the following sections should be modified (TOSCA experts may modify the rest of the template to their will):

  • Docker image to deploy. In this case we will be using deephdc/deep-oc-image-classification-tf:

       type: string
       description: docker image from Docker Hub to deploy
       required: yes
       default: deephdc/deep-oc-image-classification-tf
  • Location of the rclone.conf (this file can be empty, but should be at the indicated location):

       type: string
       description: rclone.conf location
       required: yes
       default: "/srv/image-classification-tf/rclone.conf"

For further TOSCA templates examples you can go here.


DO NOT save the rclone credentials in the CONTAINER nor in the TOSCA file

Orchent submission script

You can use the general template, deep-oc-mesos-webdav.yml, but provide necessary parameters in a bash script. Here is an example for such a script, e.g. :


orchent depcreate ./deep-oc-marathon-webdav.yml '{ "docker_image": "deephdc/deep-oc-image-classification-tf"
                                                "rclone_url": "",
                                                "rclone_vendor": "nextcloud",
                                                "rclone_conf": "/srv/image-classification-tf/rclone.conf"
                                                "rclone_user": <your_nextcloud_username>
                                                "rclone_pass": <your_nextcloud_password> }'

This script will be the only place where you will have to indicate <your_nextcloud_username> and <your_nextcloud_password>. This file should be stored locally and secured.


DO NOT save the rclone credentials in the CONTAINER nor in the TOSCA file


When developing an application with the Data Science template, the DEEP-OC-<your_project> repository will contain an exampled script, named

Submit your deployment

The submission is then done by running the orchent submission script you generated in the previous step:


This will give you a bunch of information including your deployment ID. To check status of your job:

$ orchent depshow <Deployment ID>

Once your deployment is in status CREATED, you will be given various endpoints:


N.B.: to check all your deployments:

$ orchent depls -c me